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Acoustics A10

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Acoustics A10

Legislative Decree No. 194/2005 ‘Implementation of Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise’ from 2007 places the obligation on the Companies and bodies managing the relevant infrastructures to draw up, generally every five years, the acoustic mapping and action plans of the main roads.

In compliance with the deadlines indicated by the above-mentioned Directive 2002/49/EC and its transpositions at national level, the Concessionaire Company therefore prepared the updates (fourth phase) relative to the Acoustic Mapping (referring to the year 2021) and the 2023-2028 Action Plan for the A10 Savona – Ventimiglia motorway section under management.

The Noise Mapping represents, according to specific indicators, the exposure generated by motorway traffic, considering the mitigation measures in place at the time the study was drafted.

The Action Plan identifies the noise pollution problems including their effects and, based on the results of the Acoustic Mapping, defines the actions and interventions to be implemented for their reduction, fully implementing the Noise Restoration Plan pursuant to the DMA 29.11.2000, approved in the first phase by Decree pr. 2011-0000036 of 11.03.2011 and definitively with Decree no. 296 of 15.09.2023 by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.

In compliance with the requirements of Article 8 of Legislative Decree No. 194/2005, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, on 24/05/2024 the Company therefore published the Mapping and the proposed Action Plan on its institutional website, also informing the public by means of notices in daily newspapers, so that the public could consult them and submit observations, opinions and memoranda in writing within the following 45 days.

The Company, in the final drafting of the Action Plan adopted and submitted to the Authorities by 18 July 2024, therefore took into account the comments received.

This data will remain available on the website until the next update of the Action Plans, scheduled for the first half of 2029.

Last update: 17/09/2024